…because all art leaves an imprint and after a 4-year journey, InigoArt is starting to see the mark we have made. An immense Thank You to all of you, collectors, art enthusiasts, artists and galleries, who have supported InigoArt in so many ways this year. You give me purpose. 2019 has been a time to take stock and focus on existing projects.
With our clients’ trust, InigoArt achieved a number of highlights… We saw the work of Phoebe Unwin, owned by a private client, exhibited at the Towner Art Gallery in Eastbourne. After its acquisition 3 years ago, this institutional exhibition will undoubtedly add value to the painting. We delivered an important proposal for the Four Seasons and sourced a selection of works for a number of clients. We now have some days ahead to rest, refresh and look forward to sharing a renewed journey into 2020 together.
With that in mind… Save the date for CONDO 2020 on January 11th. Since 2016, InigoArt kicks off the year with a tour of London’s most cutting-edge art event where local galleries host international peers, exhibiting emerging talent that we would rarely see in London otherwise. This is the event to see up-and-coming artists, get insider knowledge and buy before everybody else is in the know. Join me!
Best wishes for a wonderful festive season.
If you would like to discuss how IñigoArt can assist you in your art acquisitions or to understand the art market further, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Marina Ribera Iñigo