Niloufar Bakhtiar’s Art Collection: “There are no rules. I think with art and the way you live, it is your own rule”

I meet Niloufar Bakhtiar Bakhtiari on the Monday after Frieze week. I thought the madness was behind me. However, as soon as she greets me into her Chelsea residence in London, she tells me she will be receiving for installation, during our interview, a piece she just bought at the art fair.

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Limited Editions: Starting your Art Collection

Rebecca Warren, Croccini (2014)

Purchasing your first artwork and starting an art collection shouldn’t feel like a daunting task. You may be well versed on what it is that you want but if you are not, that is ok too. This doesn’t need to be a life-defining moment with a clear path on what artists, medium or theme you are interested in. Have fun, follow some sensible steps and time will do the rest.

My top tips on purchasing your first artwork…

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