Condo 2017 Highlights

Bruce McLean, Installation view, CONDO 2017, Herald St hosting The Modern Institute and Tanya Leighton

After an intensive preview weekend of CONDO 2017 trotting around London art galleries, these are my highlights. On its second edition, CONDO 2017 brings together 15 galleries across the city hosting 36 international galleries. The event gives the opportunity to small and medium size galleries to exhibit in London for a fraction of the cost compared to participating at an art fair. This year established galleries Maureen Paley and Sadie Coles have joined the venture. I love the model of exhibiting primary along secondary market work, from the 17th century Dutch Golden Age to mid-60s, 70s and 90s’ works. What follows is my personal visual take. You have until February 11 to make yours.

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Limited Editions: Starting your Art Collection

Rebecca Warren, Croccini (2014)

Purchasing your first artwork and starting an art collection shouldn’t feel like a daunting task. You may be well versed on what it is that you want but if you are not, that is ok too. This doesn’t need to be a life-defining moment with a clear path on what artists, medium or theme you are interested in. Have fun, follow some sensible steps and time will do the rest.

My top tips on purchasing your first artwork…

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