Yaron Lapid: “The world is full of images, the trick is to interpret the existing ones”

Yaron Lapid in his studio

“I find images and I let them rest. Then at some point I know the feeling I am looking for or the idea I am after. I go through many different boxes of images that I have bought in markets or found somewhere, work them digitally… and when I see images together, I know where I need to go. Many times I am wrong; images don’t do what I thought they would and they don’t work; or they do work but not in the way I want.”

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A Tapestry Renaissance

Laure Prouvost Swallow me, From Italy to Flander, a tapestry, 2015 200 x 462 cm Image courtesy of MOT International

The arrival of Independent to Brussels at the end of April has brought over 60 international galleries to the city center. Since its founding edition in 2010 in New York, Independent is a by-invitation only fair with a slower pace and a duration longer than the usual 4 to 5 days of most international art fairs.

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